Monday, October 19, 2015

Magnesia- 10,000 points with Clash of Empires

So finally I get a free Saturday that coincided with Andrews Saturday and the Battle of Magnesia was on!
It had been a made rush to paint the troops needed for the battle but well worth it. 5 players in all.
Hard fought game that went back and forth till turn 6 when the Romans decided to withdraw.
Romans on Left Seleucids on Right

Romans advance on Greek right

Andrew Jordans fantastic cav

Freshly painted Chariot strikes home

Monday, October 12, 2015

Preparing for Magnesia and Clash of Empires

We finally have a date for our Magnesia battle, 190BC Seleucids vs Republican Romans, Oct 17th! I'm to provide a large part of the Seleucid battle line so have been busy. Galatians and an Elephant to add to the pikes. Tonight is the Scythed  Chariot.