Monday, August 17, 2020

Sky Galleons of Mars now possible

Years ago my friend Kurt and I picked up Sky Galleons of Mars at The gamestore in Atlanta at the time, Sword of the Phoenix. 
Of course I was excited because it was on Mars and being a ER Burroughs fan I loved Mars. And Kurt had an interest in the Colonial period and well the Colonial powers were on Mars.
We loved it! Played it non stop for months. It was a great game and gave us wonderful memories.

But you know those 1/1000? size ships were just so small. Yet those 28mm ships I saw and Historicon and in magazine from the UK seemed too big. But recently I found a gent on etsy who made designed a couple of similar ships in 15mm.

So here is my first one painted up and crewed with Martian Empires 15mm Martians.
Next is drawing out a 6in hex grid on a suitable cloth. By Xmas I expect to post some pics of our first games of Sky Galleons of Mars in 15mm.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Finally World War One in 28mm!

Seems like it's been years that I've been painting WWI French but still no game. But this year I picked up the Blood and Valor rules, because a) I likes Blood and Plunder and b) because others were also about to jump in and buy figs for the period. Of course I had enough figs but still no terrain. So I took and old demo table for the desert and gave it a quick rework. Came up with some not so correct barbwire to get me by for now and now I'm ready to play!
Been painting these boys for years. Mostly Old Glory with some Brigade

Great War Germans on not quite correct wire
3d Tanks
Use to be a WWII BA Desert demo table

Some hasty wire set up to defend gains of the 1918 Spring Offensive