Recently I posted a link to a new army box soon to be released.
There were the usual remarks 'So Tempting!' 'What a deal!', but there was also a
'I'd have to get more than an occassional game to get my investment back' comment. So today I have decided to do a little investment anaylsis. Now before I start let me warn you that you should never ever let your spouse see this if she questions your hobby budget both in time and finance. Also let me point out that the following has nothing to do with whether I buy into a project or not. If I can afford it and it's shiny enough, it's mine!
So item to be considered, Warlord Games soon to be released Pike and Shotte Samurai Army box.
$120 for 124 figs (cavalry counts as 2), a metal mounted General and decals, trust me you want those decals! Less than a $1 a fig, certainly a good price. I've personally assembled and painted the Warlord, ie old Wargames Factory figs, and though a bit tedious at first glance they come out fairly nice. So pricewise the Army Box is sweet.
Now Assembly time, now of course this is relative to your style and speed. If you have to clip every bit off the sprue and sand down every flash it will take you longer. Also as you get familiar with the models you will get faster as well. I suggest test assembly of 5 ashigaru, 2 samurai and 2 cavalry to get the feel first, then go on and do 10 or more at a time.
My estimate is about 5 min per fig. 5 x 124 figs, 620 min or about 10 hours. Have I ever mentioned that I love plastic figs but simply hate putting them together.
10 Hours Assembly
Thus this is nothing but shear guesswork on my part.
First up you have the Ashigaru, which you can paint in a uniform scheme thus saving you much time. Let's say 20 minutes each, 20 x 80, 1600 minutes or about 26 hours.
I suggest playing any movie by Kurasawa in the background for motivation.
26 Hours Ashigaru
Next up we have the samurai on foot. 20 figures. Gotta give these bad ass boys some extra love, shall I say 40 minutes each. So 20 x 40, 800 minutes or about 13 hours. (roughly I say roughly)
13 Hours Samurai on foot
Now we get to the Mounted Samurai, certainly your most stunning unit or so you should plan. The horses really won't take as long as the samurai themselves so let's just say an hour a fig.
12 Hours Mounted Samurai
Last up is the Samurai General, Well you gotta look the part so let's say 2 hours.
2 Hours General
Doing the math, we're looking at some
53 Hours Total
Whew that was a lot of math! 53 hours, does seem like a lot. That would be about 25 movies or prime time TV watching or 12 football games or 6 novels. But if you break that down with 3 hours during the week and 4 hours on the weekend, 7-8 weeks or about two months to get the whole force on the table. Not so bad.
Now figure 4 hours for a Pike and shotte game, so about 13 games to get your hourly investing back out of it.
But and it's a big But, This all assumes that the only pleasure comes from actually playing the game. That there is no joy in planning or painting your army, that you are just a gamer and not a hobbyist. But I doubt that because, a true gamer only type would be playing boardgames, cardgames or just video games. Only a gamer hobbyist spends $125 on a Samurai army, because the thrill starts when you open that box.
Very good article, we do the same, think about what amount of money, time and games we are gona play this game? Ana then we buy this game or another...
ReplyDeleteWow. If I could clip out, clean the mold lines and assemble a plastic figure in 5 minutes, or paint a 28mm figure in 10 minutes, that would be amazing. I'd have lots of projects done. How do you manage that?
ReplyDeleteYou can buy Perry Samurai at TMP for a buck a foot and 2 for mounted. Why ever paint anything else?
ReplyDeleteHey Craig, I assembly line, usually 10 figs per strip and usually the same pose with a black undercoat. It's taken years but I can knock out stuff pretty quickly now.
ReplyDeleteSkip! You can get me Perry? I thought it was just Wargames Foundry?