Monday, July 2, 2018

Magnesia 2018

Saturday we gathered for our Annual Magnesia battle. Okay, it's really not suppose to be our only Ancients battle during the year  but somehow it always seems to work out that way. This year Steven joined  the ranks of the Seleucid Empire bringing more pikes and skirmishers. While Charlie and Jonathon helped Andrew to field his quite substantual Republican army.

Our rules of choice are Clash of Empires, which is essentially WArhammer Ancients with some much needed common sense adjustments. Now I know that in this age of ' fast play' rules Clash may seem a bit cumbersome but it really is a delight to work up your army and does give a lot of flavor to the various forces.
No 'my unit is just like yours except I roll 8 dice instead of 7'.

So this year we were up to 6000 points per side,
Which for the Seleucids ment some 6 pikes blocks, a Thracian warband, 3 cataphracts , Skythians, eastern bows, Thoralites, elephant, chariots, etc.
We faced some 3 legions with some beautiful Numidian and Spanish cav by Victrix added just this year, We done Andrew.

What follows is a picture of each end turn on our 12x5 foot table.
It was all a question of whether the Seleucid right would break before the Seleucid left engaged,

Seleucid left
Roman right

Looking down the Roman center

The 'Hinge'

1 comment:

  1. A mere 4 months late to this thread...

    I love the turn-by-turn overhead views of the game. I've always wanted to do that, never pulled it off. Well done! It really illustrates the progress of the battle. How did you put/keep the camera in position?
