So last night Kurita and Comstar took on the mercenary forces of Wolf's Dragoons and the Kellhounds. 72 mechs in all! It was a good old capture the city fight with every city section being worth a point and the water purification plant worth 2. Comstar and the Dragoons grimly laid into each other, fighting for the two city areas on the far right. Meanwhile the Kellhound force of 16 veteran/elite mechs were trying to hold the water plant and the main city against and angry wave of 24 Kurita mechs. Red flame plumes were everywhere.
We also used our experimental 'special action' cards in the game, allowing for things like artillery, aero strikes, ambushes, 2nd surprise moves etc. Cards were pulled in secret and only one card could be used per turn. The cards proved very fun and kept everyone on their toes for the next unexpected surprise.
In the end, after 3 hours of play and some 24 mechs out of action, the Mercs pulled a tactical victory holding 2 city sections to Comsatr/Kuritas 0. Note many fighting pics I'm afraid we always get caught up in the action and forget.
Most of the terrain is new as were all the Kurita mechs, I've been busy this past week.
Comstar advancing |
Kurita Sword of Light viewing Water plant target |
Kellhound Red/black forces |
Kurita vs the Mercs in the main city area |
Cards that allow players to do things extra fun things are always popular at our game table. Can you share any extra information on them?
ReplyDeleteHey Dave,
ReplyDeleteI'll probably be posting more about our changes in the coming months. But with the cards it was a first run through. There were 6 cards in all. One allowed a light lance to gain an additional move before the initiative roll. Another allowed a light lance to gain and additional move after all lances had moved. One called in an artillery strike, another a aerospace strike. One allowed unit to start in ambush. and one allowed a single mech to fire immediately after moving.