Monday, October 16, 2017

Mini Monday- Mechs, you gotta love them

Warhammer from RoboTech Toys

So this week's Mini Monday topic is probably spurred by the fact that
I am currently painting some 24 Battletech mechs for a game this week.
As I sit here and paint, I find myself admiring the various mech models in my force.
The Table Queen looks up from her Japanese building project and shakes her head,
'You boys, like Mechs way too much and they are so tactically foolish. Just big targets I say!"
Humph! Obviously she doesn't see alure of the Mech as a modern rendering of the knight of the field, the dashing airplane pilot or
the cunning tank commander. Aye, I love mechs and have them in all shapes and sizes. In this day and age they are everywhere.

You got your classic Battletech mechs
Battletech Mechs

Anime mechs, which can come in all shapes and sizes.

Wierd World War II mechs
28mm Dust Mechs

Steampunk mechs
Cygnar Jack from Privateer

Hard Scifi mechs
15mm mechs Picture from Rebel minis

Even GW has mechs!
Picture from Games Workshop

Few or many? You can play Classic Battletech with every pilot and mech named. Or Alpha Strike and
run a freaking Battalion of 40 mechs! 

What's not to love? So what mech tickles your fancy?

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