The main aim is to build a large force with which to play 'They Died for Glory'. But I also wanted to play '1870' and 'Volley and Bayonet'.
Played around with the basing for a bit before I had something visually appealing and that would work with three rulesets. I changed the basing for 'They Died for Glory', and went with 40x25mm bases, French with 4figs to a base and the Germans with 5figs to a base. 4 stands represents a battalion in TDFG.
For the '1870' rules three stands will represent a regiment.

To use the figures for Volley and Bayonet I had to get a bit more creative. Using 3x3in foamboard I cut small inserts for the 40x20mm bases. I think they turned out quite nice.
One 3x3in stand equals a regiment in the rules.