Well after having such a good time with our last game of Ak-47, Robert and I were jonesing to match up our armies again. So Friday afternoon we finally got a chance thanks to Mikeobulu's love of certain early 90's hits.
His Excellency Mikeobulu stormed into the Zumisia Command Center, "This is an outrage! An insult to Zumisia!" he said as he threw the most recent edition of Variety onto the war table. Colonel Akiki picked it up and nodded in agreement.
"A remake of Spartacus? It'll never compare to Kirk's version."
"No fool! Further down, in
'the where are they now column'."
Akiki scanned quickly with a worried glance at Mikeobulu.
'Hmmm, hmmm...'
"Rico Suave! Rico Suave has built a hotel!"
Akiki raised an eyebrow. "And..."
"Don't you understand Rico Suave the famous singing sensation of the early 90's has built a hotel in Ztumte only miles from our border! Think of all the revenues we
will lose as our people trek to Hotel Rico to hear him sing!"
"Your Excellency, I do not believe that he was that popu..."
"This will be like having Las Vegas with Wayne Newton on our border! No this can not be allowed! Quickly prepare a strike, we must annex those few miles of Ztumte! Before our tourist trade collapses!" Mikeobulu turned and marched out of the Center
humming and gyrating to 'Rico Suave'.
Ojore, Col Akiki's aide, finally allowed himself to breath.'How shall we attack, we have no idea were the Ztumte forces are and they may attempt to entrap us.
Akiki, gazed at the Variety article, Hotel Rico has already booked
Dead or Alive,hmmm he wondered if it was to late to get a ticket. He waved his hand casually towards the Major.
"Simple, get some of our best men to go across and plaster the President's newest three story poster on the side of Hotel Rico."
The major looked puzzled.
Akiki smiled, "The Minister of Ztumte von Youngblood, being quite a critic of the President's music, will of course immediately detail a force to destroy it. And then we will pounce on them. And let's call this a suave move! Bwahahhahahahahahha"
And so with purpose and conviction Zumisia once more invaded colonial Ztumte.
So a quick report with a few pics.
We each managed to start with three units.
The Defenders Ztumte, Jungle Korps(P), Tank 'Killer'(R), Brit's Rangers(P)
The Attckers Zumisia, The Golden Lions(R), Mad Mike's Mercs(P), Tank 'Simba'
Objectives: Shanty, White Top Hill, Hotel Rico
Opening Views

First few turns with some lucky first shots on the APC's by the Zuma forces.

With the Shanty taken the Zuma forces turned to face one big tank on the hill. Mike's Mercs were assigned the task but kept coming up low on ammo while the Golden Lions kept coming up with extra ammo. Hmmm, was the President favoring his tribesmen again over the mercs? Well they had taken the pay and Mike's men went over the hill
into a barrage of fire which eventually broke them but not before they had taken down 'Killer'.

Far behind the Hotel a new front opened up as reinforcements arrived from both sides.
The Zumas had hoped to make a made dash over the Shrubs of Justice, but soon learned better. These Shrubs were not easily dug up. Brutal close assaults, hmg, mortar, and tank fire cut the Shrubs down but they held on passing morale tests one after another.

One Ztumte tank to go, the elusive 'Prowler'. The RPG's had proved worthless, almost all failing to fire. The Jeep Hmg's rang off the tank's armor. The Golden Lions braced themselves and charged! Madness, numbers and some Ztumte dud armor (rolled a 1)brought the metal titan down!

Defanged and with night coming, Brit's Rangers gathered up the Shrubs and make a clean break into the night.

A great game! Though I have to give the award to Robert for rolling the most
ones and the worst times.