So Sunday we all gathered to play our biggest Alpha Strike battle yet, 232 Mechs! This time the forces
of Davion were arrayed against an Alliance of Liao and Marik.
Pat, Eli, Rob and myself were joined by Steven with Marik and Alex with his Liao forces.
The scenario aim was to capture the center urban areas, There were also points for capturing the enemy bases on the edge of the table, points for whichever side took out the most mechs and points deducted for losing entire lances.
To keep the game flowing we moved entire companies at a time, we also added our event cards which allowed for artillery, air strikes, sabotage etc, things that happen in the novels but are hard to implement.
The game was a very close, with House LuSann keeping at long range with the heaver forces of the Davion Guard. In the center it was an all out brutal battle with Marik Militia taking Wolf's dragoons, no quarter asked an none given! While on the flank the Confederation Cav went up against the heavy Avalon Hussars, the Liao forces played a deadly game of cat and mouse and took great casualties but managed to keep a toehold on the city.
In the end it was a very narrow Marik/Liao victory, though Davion held more of the urban areas they had taken more casualties as well as whole lances being destroyed.
opening Moves |
liao Confederation Cav |
Liao Warrior House LuSann |
6th Marik Militia |
Davion Guards |
Wolf's dragoons Red Guard |
Avalon Hussars |
Comstar watching the battle |
House LuSann staying out of grips with those heavies |
Marik laughs at the Dragoon's reputation |
final turn, flames everywhere |
That'a a bananas amount of mechs. Truly impressive. How long did it take to play out with your adjustments?
We placed a 5 hour time limit at the end of which points were calculated.
We got in 6 turns with about 355 of the mechs knocked out.
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