Down Mexico way, an old prospector had finally struck gold in an old abandoned mine from Aztec times. Unfortunately he was a bit to celebratory about his find and word got out to the local Mexican officials. In particular those loyal to the Republican cause against the Emperor Maximilian and his French bullies. So they kicked out the old prospector and took over the mine, after all the fight against tyranny needs cash!
So after months of digging a large cache of gold is ready for pickup.
A regular Mexican officer and a local leader of the militia have been dispatched to get the gold and take it to Juarez.
But, word of the mine has leaked out to the French, who have dispatched Capt Gerome to pick it up. However, Sgt Schultz of the Legion has decided that some of his Legionnaire friends need to 'help' the dear Capt. and his regulars.
Also on the way, is Cool Hand Eli along with Slim and Big John. All desperadoes from Arizona who have been listening to an old prospector.
But let us not leave out the Mexican Bandit Valdez, wanted by everyone for many many crimes. Who recently ambushed a load of dynamite that was heading for the mine.
Of course know one knows of the missing town folk and the small tremors in the area.
Mexican Regular Officer |
Mexican Militia Hero Antonio |
Capt Gerome |
Sgt Schultz |
Cool Hand's boys |
.JPG) |
The infamous Valdez |
The Gang |
Game Moves |
Valdez smells gold and his nemesis Cool Hand! |
Big John's Rowdies ride into town, shootin and hollerin |
Cool Hand's wagons roll into town, there seems to be an unspoken truce between the Republicans and the Amrericans |
Lots of deliberation among the Mexican Commanders |
French Advance |
Cap Gerome to Sgt Schultz on his left, "Why are you running to the mine? The fight is this way! |
Cool Hand and Valdez fight over the wagons of gold. |
The legion snipes at the Juaristas |
While Capt Gerome goes after the gold wagons as well. |
Sgt Schultz arrives at the gold mine. It is mine all mine! |
Suddenly out of the mine, horrors! |
Great worms erupt from the ground. |
The worms are attracted by the loud fire of the cannon. |
And the fire of the gatling. |
Get what gold we have and get out! A cry heard throughout the table. |
With Worms and horrors everywhere, Valdez's last fighter cannot forget and old grudge against Cool Hand and lights the dynamite. But is shoot down and goes in a great blast that attract the worms. |
Gamemaster Mike laughs! What did you expect it is October after all. And the 'Aztec Shrine' was an obvious clue! | |
Ah it was a great game! In the end Sgt Schultz and Cool Hand tied for the most Gold. Though the Jauristas had preformed well as had Cap Gerome who feared no slimy worm! And the dreaded Valdez as usual had succeeded in raising Hell!